Generosity that moves the kingdom forward

Kingdom Advance is our annual mission giving season. The goal is to seek God’s word of provision through prayer and commit to give that amount above our usual tithe. We then sow that giving as seeds into local and international projects to grow the kingdom. In 2025 we are committing to supporting four major projects.

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How to Give
Your pledge today is a promise to draw closer to God through generosity over this coming year.

Step 1: Pray and ask God to reveal a financial amount to pledge to give this year
Step 2: Make your pledge
Step 3: Plan your giving using the giving guide
Step 4: Wait for God's generosity through the year
Step 5: Give

Kingdom Advance giving is different to our usual tithes and offerings. As we approach this season it is a partnering with God through prayer to see His provision and abundance in our lives in an even greater way! 

GIVIng guide

After you make your pledge, there are different ways you can give to Kingdom Advance:

1. Give in full today
Give your full pledge amount up front using the giving button below
2. Regular instalments
Set up regular weekly or monthly giving using the button below
3. As God blesses you
Contribute one off amounts as God blesses you sporadically throughout the year


BSB: 033053
Account Number: 239761



One Time Giving Set Up Recurring Giving